Professor PhD Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior
PhD of Laws by Universidade Gama Filho, Post-Doctorate in Law by Universidade de Coimbra - Pt, Master of Laws by Universidade Gama Filho, Postgraduate in Procedural Law by Universidade Gama Filho - Prisma, Associate Professor at Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ, Visiting Professor in Graduation and Post Graduation in Law, Effective Member of the Permanent Commission of Civil Procedural Law of Instituto dos Advogados Brasileiros - IAB. Effective Member of Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual - IBDP. Intense intellectual production in the area of Civil Procedure Law, author of several works in this field, especially the celebrated Civil Procedural Law Vols. I and II, Specific Tutelage Making Bonds, The Process in the Special Civil Courts State and The Consumer Protection in the Mercosul. Focuses his intellectual production and his practice in the area of law, with specific emphasis on General Theory of Procedure and Civil Procedure Law also Community law, International Law, Consumer Law, Labour Law and Administrative Law. Lawyer, Legal Consultant and Reviewer.