
New CPC: Reflections and Perspectives

New CPC: Reflections and PerspectivesCOORDINATORS

Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior
Alexandre Freitas Câmara


Alexandre Freitas Câmara
Antonio do Passo Cabral
Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior
Bernardo Lima
Daniel Amorim Assumpção Neves
Darci Guimarães Ribeiro
Fredie Didier Jr.
Humberto Theodoro Júnior
Luiz Manoel Gomes Junior
Luiz Rodrigues Wambier
Miriam Fecchio Chueiri
Rita de C. Corrêa de Vasconcelos

Area: Civil Procedural Law
Format: Brochure
Pages: 240
Edition: 1st - 2014
ISBN: 9788538403524
Dimensions: 15 x 22cm
Weight: 353gr
Publisher: Del Rey


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