Procedural Law in Motion
Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior
Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior
Cristovão Fernandes de Luna Freire
Deise Assumpção Vieira de Andrade
Edmundo Gouvêa Freitas
Fernanda Silva Alves
Leonardo de Sá Jannotti
Raquel Mota Dias
Rodrigo Almeida Magalhães
Thais Miranda de Oliveira
Wesllay Carlos Ribeiro
There is no revolution if not by the exercise of a set of developments, so the breaking of a paradigm happens for desire and cooperation of all those who in one way or another, from the dogmatic to the qualitative pragmatism cause their environment to thinking, contributing their portion, in their interest and how to compose, an impetus to improving the institution of procedural law of our time and also improving the means conducive to conflict resolution (...).
It is under such emphasis that this work aims to establish and therefore offer.